Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I Spy in San Diego

I've been having a fun time in San Diego at the Children's Pastors Conference. I'll try to get some more pictures of some of my friends and stuff I saw. I went on a bus ride to visit some other churches to see how they do children's ministry. I can imagine Dyzzee playing "I Spy".

I spy, with my little eyes...

a car coming out of a wall!

I spy, with my little eyes...

a shipwreck on a stage!

I spy, with my little eyes...
Someone who is a hero!

I spy, with my little eyes...
A little dinosaur who knows a lot about computers.

If you're reading about our adventures, please leave a comment..we'd love to hear from all our friends.


Anonymous said...

Hi Teacher Tim! Looks like you and Dyzzee are having fun in San Deigo,
Hope you have safe trip back and a wonderful spring break!
Blessings to you,

Anonymous said...

teacher tim,
i hope you have a good time in san diego. bye, evan

Anonymous said...

Hello Teacher Tim and Dyzzee!

Wish we could all go next year. lol Looks like you two are having fun. Bring back some great stuff!

Teacher Kathleen